How to begin with witchcraft
Like many things in life, there are many paths you can follow with witchcraft, such as Chaos, Moon, Cosmic, Green, amongst others. The one thing these paths have in common is that they each take time, effort and hard work.
Start small and simple and take your time to work out which path connects with you. Always remember that choosing a path doesn't mean that you can never follow one of the others or that you place restrictions upon yourself but it does provide you with a starting direction.
Personally my witchcraft path is all over the place, I enjoy dabbling and experimenting with the different crafts and I find it strengthens my practice, but to begin with I connected with Ancestry witchcraft and focused on family traditions. I did this for many years before feeling confident enough to explore other areas.
One thing you must always do is practice safely, avoid jumping into big spells that promise massive changes in your life or hex work if you're new. Remember that witchcraft is never free and I'm not talking about money. To receive from the universe you must give something and if you're just taking, it will take something from you. Therefore taking these small steps are not to hinder you, but to strengthen you. Wanda was not wrong when she said knowledge is power 💪
Here are my recommendations on where to start with your practice:
Learn your colours, every colour is significant in witchcraft, for example if you're casting a love spell and you're seeking communication you may want to use blue in your practice rather than pink (romance) or red (passion). Knowledge of colour meanings will help you to choose the right crystals and candles for your craft.
Choose someone or something to support your craft. This could be a God, Goddess, Ancestor, or even an object that means something to you. Having this item or individual as part of your practice will help with focus, balance and strength during your rituals.
Remember that witchcraft is a lifestyle but it can even be a silent one 😉 it's not all spell casting and rituals, it's working on your energy, through meditation or exercise, it's healthy living, connecting on a deeper level with those around you and using your intuition to guide you.
Not everyone will accept or understand your path and that's okay, overcoming that fact by being compassionate and focused is the first step towards being a successful witch as doing so shows that you are able to control your energy and keep it in balance.
Take the time to read as well as practice. A good witch book will have lots of ways you can implement your practice into your everyday life. I enjoy reading Lunar Living, Herbal Magic and more, trust your intuition and allow that to lead you to the right book for you 🙂
Have fun practicing!
Love and light ✨️
Martina x