1st May – Beltane – Gaelic May Day Festival, celebrates the beginning of summer and is a good time to manifest and light a candle.
5th May – Flower Full Moon – Named due to many flowers blooming at this time of year, good for abundance, fertility and love spells.
13th May – Celtic Tree Month of Hawthorn begins – A magical enchantment tree connected to the Beltane celebrations, a good time for love and protection spells.
19th May – New Moon.
3rd June – Strong Sun Full Moon – Named due to the summer, also referred to as the Lovers Moon and Honey Moon. A strong Moon for love spells.
10th June – Celtic Tree Month of Oak begins – The Oak Tree was sacred to the Druids, the strength of the tree offers protection, fertility and success, a great time for manifesting in general.
18th June – New Moon.
21st June – Litha/ Summer Solstice – (Litha is the name used by Pagans for this holiday), a celebration of light and sun energy. Traditionally celebrated with bonfires and burning wheels and sending them down hills on fire, but you can celebrate with a simple sun blessing, light a candle and give thanks for the light energy in your life.
3rd July – Blessing Full Moon – Also known as the Meadow Moon, this Moon focuses on light energy and it provides a pick-me-up when peoples energies are feeling slowed down and low due to the heat of the summer. This is a good time for cleansing and mediation, Reiki and Chakra works as well as positive energy spells.
8th July – Celtic Tree of Holly begins – The Holly Tree is seen as protective and filled with masculine energy. Many take some holly and hang it in their homes or front door to protect their family, home and space from harm or negative energy. A good time for protection and cleansing spells.
17th July – New Moon.