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Important Dates on the Witches Calendar

Important Dates on the Witches Calendar


1st August – Full Moon – Sturgeon Moon – Supermoon – The first of two Full Supermoons in August, plus the second Supermoon of four in a row this year.

Lammas – also on this day is the Lammas celebration – a wheat harvest festival.

5th August – Celtic Tree Month of Hazel Begins – Symbolic of wisdom and inspiration. – Connected to the Otherworld, this is a significant tree for Pagans, Druids and Celts.

16th August – New Moon

30th August – Full Moon – Blue Moon- Highly significant Moon, rare Moon, the second Full Moon in a month happens once every three years on average. This Moon will be very close to the Earth (222,043 miles – normally it is around 238,855 miles) – This means that the strength of the Moon will be incredibly strong, there is not a better time to cast a spell, manifest, charge crystals and cleanse.


2nd September – Celtic Tree Month of Vine Begins – Good harvest, fruit of the vine connected to wine and the positives and negatives of that – a time to focus on balance.

14th September – New Moon

29th September – Full Moon – Harvest Moon – the final Supermoon – good time for finalising projects, ideas and giving things one last try.

30th September – Celtic Tree Month of Ivy Begins – Ivy is significant as it can grow where others can’t, symbolising that life continues – a good time for cleansing and hex removal, the Ivy encourages removal of negativity in your life.


14th October – New Moon

28th October – Full Moon – Blood Moon – named due to hunters setting out to gain meat for the winter months – partial Lunar Eclipse – it is believed that this Moon uncovers any Demons hiding on Earth – a strong Moon, good for cleansing, strength rituals, obtaining goals.

Celtic Tree Month of Reed Begins – Reed is used for wind instruments and the sound it makes is believed to be a way to summon the souls of the dead to the Underworld - a good time for communication, particularly with spirit and divination – energy work and meditation are encouraged during this time.

31st October – Halloween/Samhain – marking the start of winter – the veil between the living and the dead is very thin, allowing for connection, communication and conjuring – a very strong time for any spell work.


13th November – New Moon

25th November – Celtic Tree Month of Elder Begins – Elder is both a fragile and strong tree, easily damaged but will recover quickly – this tree encourages you to renew, create and push forward.

27th November – Full Moon – Mourning Moon – a time for reflection and release – a good time for all spells but to be cast with renewal/ fresh beginnings in mind.

Love and light,

Martina x

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