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Tarot Card Myths

Tarot cards are incredibly special to use but there are a few myths out there that simply are not true. I remember when I first became interested in them people would say that I couldn’t buy them myself, that they had to be a gift. This simply isn’t true, if you want them, go get them. The other common misconception is that they are evil or hold negative energies, again this is not true, tarot cards are full of energy and like life some can be difficult to deal with but there is nothing dark or sinister about them. I think a lot of that comes from the presence of the death card and the devil card, mostly due to Hollywood. The death card is about change and moving away, death walks away from a dying tree to find another growing in its place. It does not mean you or anyone else is going to die. The devil card again has negative connation’s as a result of Hollywood. The devil card as shown in the image is simply temptation on one shoulder and an angel on the other, its about struggle and decision making. Of course different tarot readers may interpret the meanings differently but as a customer or somebody interested in trying it for yourself, please don’t be put off by social misconception.


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