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The Full Moon

This week on Saturday 16th April 2022 will be the Full Moon.

Known also as the Pink Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon or even the Egg Moon. The Full Moon in April carries these names as it marks the beginning of the most widespread floral blooms.

This is a particularly special Moon due to its coincidence with the Passover on the Christian and Jewish calendar which starts at sundown on the 15th April, known as Good Friday.

This is the reason behind the date of Easter changing each year, it has to coincide with the Full Moon taking place after what is known as the Paschal (meaning Passover from the Jewish calendar) Full Moon which is the first Full Moon after the Spring equinox.

Its an exciting time of year with these major happenings taking place and as you will now start to notice, many calendars from the Christian and Jewish to the witches, crossing paths and all frequently following the path of the Moon.

The Full Moon is a great time to charge your crystals and tarot or oracles decks along with charging yourself too. Manifesting your goals and feeling that you can create a new path for yourself.

I personally find that the Full Moon is good for love and strength, things in your life that are already set in motion but need a push or to be strengthened in some way.

A good tip for your own castings is to create some Moon charged water, its best made with rain water that can be collected from the garden using a bucket or pot (if not tap or bottled water is fine), place it in a safe place during the passing of the Full Moon to charge it with its energies and then use it for your manifestations, splash it upon yourself, splash it onto your manifestations that you have written down.

The Full Moon rises at 7:55pm in the UK on Saturday 16th March, it will rise at different times in each country, so look yours up by searching online.

Love and Light.

Best wishes,

Martina x

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