Here are some fun facts about Christmas and their links to Pagan history:
· Yuletide – The Winter Solstice celebrated on 21st December marks the shortest day of the year. This has been celebrated for centuries long before people celebrated Christmas as we know it today. Celebrations for Yuletide would go on for several days and would include gatherings, food and giving to those in need.
· Odin – The God Odin from Norse mythology is one of the oldest known depictions of a Santa like figure. He is represented as having a long white beard and is a God who oversees the changes in seasons including the Winter Solstice. Odin was believed to lead the wild winter hunt and the animals they succeeded in hunting were viewed as winter gifts from Odin.
· Frigg – The Goddess Frigg is the wife of Odin. During the Winter Solstice she sits at her spinning wheel and weaves the fates for the year ahead.
· Yule Log – The Yule log we know today is a chocolate cake, but it used to be an actual log. This log would be cast in the fire to mark the Yuletide celebrations, it was a symbolism of the light and when it was thrown into the fire it would cause the flames to increase and react.
· Romans – The Romans celebrated Saturnalia. A holiday to give thanks and celebrate the God Saturn who is the God of agriculture. This ideology is very similar and much linked to the Yuletide celebrations and is close to present day Christmas celebrations but with more orgy’s and debauchery, after all it was the Romans.
· Mistletoe – Mistletoe was seen in high regard by the Druids of the 1st century because it would grow and show its berry’s during the harsh winter months. As a result of this, the Druids felt it to be a significant plant and felt that it offered vivacity. They used the plant as a medicine for both humans and animals to assist those with fertility issues and overtime it has become a symbol for love and romance.
· Gatherings and gifts – Gatherings have always been part of human culture but the act of coming together for ritualistic meanings is very Pagan. Gift giving comes from the Romans and begun through the Saturnalia celebrations.
· Christmas Carols – Carols were originally Pagan and were seen as such by the Catholics for a long time. Singing and dancing was frowned upon, but the Pagans used this to celebrate, worship and come together. The word carol means a song and dance of praise and joy and goes back thousands of years.
I am sure that I have left out many facts, so please share if you have more.
Have fun caroling and eating Yule logs!
Best wishes,
Martina x